Thursday, August 17, 2006

Maclean's rankings kerfuffle...why now?

My favourite economist, Zza Zza Gabor is reported to have said: "Darling, when they say it's the principle, not the's the money."

Jim Meek has written an interesting column in the Halifax Chronicle Herald that suggests an underlying reason why a clutch of Canadian universities, led by its largest, has now chosen to contest Maclean's magazine's annual university rankings.

While the focus of the controversy is Maclean's methodology, Meeks says, the reason this issue has come to a head is marketing.

"So, why have 11 of the nation’s top universities decided to take on Maclean’s? And why might others – including the University of Saskatchewan and Western – join the march on the magazine?

"For one thing, everyone’s fed up with Maclean’s refusal to clean up its research act, despite advice from the academic pros. But the real concern is marketing.

"Ten years ago, Canada’s university classrooms were packed to the rafters. Now, we’re entering a world of declining enrolment, falling financial support from governments, and rising tuitions.

"And in this competitive crunch, the Maclean’s rankings are no longer merely amusing; they now have a serious impact on institutional reputation and success.

"Maclean’s shouldn’t abandon the war, mind you. An independent, public assessment of Canada’s universities is still in the nation’s interest – and all that other lofty stuff."

[UPDATE] For yet another perspective, read Charlie Smith's column from The Georgia Straight in Vancouver.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that I was ever a fan, but maybe former editor-at-large Ann Dowsett Johnson deserves some credit for keeping the whole thing together.

3:09 pm  

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