Sunday, January 20, 2008

Once, maybe a mistake. Twice? Carelessness; Sun rips off another blog without credit


Funny, you rarely see mainstream magazines plagiarizing other media (not never, rarely) but it seems that for some mainstream media, it's fair game to simply rip off journalistic blogs without so much as by-your-leave.

In December, we reported the Toronto Sun lamely apologized and belatedly paid a fee for lifting a complete item from the Spacing magazine blog in Toronto. Now, apparently, not having learned its lesson, a Sun writer has been allowed to do it again. (I say allowed since I assume the Sun is still edited in some way or another. After its earlier experience, didn't anybody check?)

Here is the relevant paragraph from Torontoist about a guerrilla poster who puts up bogus brochures on the little hooks on subway cars. (Italics added for easy comparison in each case.)

First, the Torontoist para posted on Friday:
Posterchild––street artist extraordinaire and our new curator for Vandalist––has taken it on himself to fill the empty hooks of the TTC's subways, streetcars, and buses with new and improved information flyers. For the past week, he's posted details of one flyer a day to his blog: Monday was a subway and streetcar colouring book; Tuesday was tips on how to flirt on the subway (pictured above); Wednesday was a guided graffiti tour along the 510 Spadina streetcar route; Thursday was a cryptogram, maze, connect-the-dots game, and riddles; and today's, Friday, was a claim that the whole system is now free.
Then the Sun para, from a story by writer Jenny Yuen in Sunday's paper:
For each week day, Posterchild made up flyers for commuters and hung them on hooks on subway cars and the 510 Spadina streetcar.

Each day had a different theme:

Monday was a subway and streetcar colouring book; Tuesday was tips on how to flirt on the subway; Wednesday was a guided graffiti tour along the 510 Spadina streetcar route; Thursday was a cryptogram, maze, connect-the-dots game, and riddles; and Friday's was a claim that the whole system is now free.

[UPDATE] The Toronto Sun has apologized to Torontoist and after talking to Sun editors, Torontoist has withdrawn its offer to apologize if it was unreasonably blaming the writer for the situation. Wisely, Torontoist then closed off the conversation, in which commenters threatened to spiral out to Andromeda in their passion for one side or the other.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest you read the avalanche of comments that have poured in to that post on Torontoist... you might see things a little differently...

12:50 am  
Blogger Rob said...

Wow. Worst part about that is the whole thing could've been fixed by putting quotation marks around it and a line of attribution...

3:03 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could Torontoist have any more hubris and behave more unprofessionally though? What an irrelevant blog.

It's interesting reading those comments, and despite being the reviled Sun, people came to the defense of the writer. Good for them.

2:58 pm  

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