Thursday, July 22, 2010

Comparing circ with Prospect, its British equivalent, The Walrus is doing OK

A recent report on the impending departure of David Goodhart from the editor's chair after 15 years at Prospect magazine contains the factoid that the magazine, a source of serious, long-form journalism that has uncanny similarities to The Walrus, has a current circulation of 30,000. Quoted by the New Statesman, Goodhart expressed the hope that his successor could push this to 40,000 or 50,000.
The Walrus has a circulation of about 60,000 and, while that remains insufficient to eliminate the need for aggressive and ongoing fundraising, it is still quite impressive by a per-capita comparison. Prospect exists in a country with not-quite twice the population of Canada, albeit with a number of weekly and monthly "thinkie" competitors. 
No danger of The Walrus getting smug, but it should take some comfort from the fact that, fishing in a smaller pond, it does considerably better than its British counterpart.



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